affordable, african american, Altonia Dugar, Atlanta, au naturale, autoimmune, beauty, blogger, favorite things


Lupus L sign .. #support #Lupus #awareness

  1. I don’t know how to do a cart wheel; I want to learn but afraid of flipping over
  2. I was not given a middle name at birth, I asked for a middle name for my 13th birthday-and my mother chose Felecia
  3. I once had a business selling gourmet deviled eggs, The Deviled Egg Gourmet –and the website is still up!!!!! (  I PUT IT DOWN WITH THE DEVILED EGGS!!!!!
  4. One of my favorite songs is “Put it in ya mouth” by Akinyele- ULTIMATE RACHETNESS!!!!!!
  5. My biggest pet peeve is people popping gum.. *in my Madea voice* STOP IT… STOP IT …  STOP IT RIGHT NOW*
  6. When I was pregnant with my daughter- I would go to the club just to get jerk chicken from the jerk chicken man that set up after the club (pregnancy cravings are wicked)
  7. I’ve never downloaded any music  (or anything for that matter) from Itunes-Now that I think about it- I’ve never downloaded music  period ( and don’t know how)
  8. I can only drink my Starbucks if it’s 180 degrees- and I can tell if it isn’t just by the feel of the cup
  9. When I eat sushi and raw oysters- I eat it with my eyes closed- BECAUSE I eat with my eyes first and seeing the raw fish upsets my stomach
  10. I’m a very indecisive but very structured person. I do the same thing(s) the same way – EVERYDAY- if given too many options (like at a buffet)- I will have a meltdown (don’t judge me- it’s the Libra in me)

 I want to get to know you! What are 10 random facts about you?

Atlanta, aunaturale, autoimmune, awareness, challenge, cupcakes and Cocktails, death, dermatology, Facebook, headache, immune system, Instagram, life, lupie chick, lupie chick project, lupus, spoonie, Twitter, walk

Farewell Mishinda

Yesterday morning I was contacted by the aunt of one of my blog followers. I was taken aback by the call, as I’m super busy finalizing details for my upcoming event (Cupcakes & Cocktails). The caller sounded unsure as to whom she wanted to speak with.  As I waited to try and catch the voice she asked if she could speak with “The LupieChick”. I paused as I knew this was a Lupus related question as no one refers to me as the Lupie Chick in conversation. I acknowledged that I was the person she was looking for and she began to tell me about her niece, Mishinda. 
Mishinda was 26 years old, mother of 2, and had passed away from complications of Lupus on Sunday, February 24, 2013. I instantly felt my heart break (literally, I had a pain in my chest) as she began to speak about Mishinda. It pains me to hear stories of anyone lost their fight with  Lupus. Funny thing, she didn’t sound sad. She was laughing and telling me how Mishinda loved my blog and my willingness to just say whatever I wanted. Her favorite post was Am I Being A Bitch Or a BabyWe laughed as I was slightly embarrassed by the title of that post. Mishinda referred to me as a pistol whipper (lol…lol…). She commented that she looked forward to my daily pictures of me smiling (I haven’t posted any pictures of my face in a while, as I’m going through a flare up and have the butterfly rash across my face) and my reference to Lupus as Mister. 
Then, she suddenly  her tone of voice became serious. She stated that Mishinda asked her family to find me and get in contact with me because she wanted to speak to me. “ME????? “  Was my reply, as I never had any interaction with Mishinda? The family tried feverishly to find me, finally coming across my Facebook page, in which has my phone number listed. She asked me if I would attend the candle light virgil on Friday night to honor Mishinda. — INSERT A PAUSE AND A LUMP IN MY THROAT—ME????  Ya’ll know I have a fear of public speaking. She replied- YES, we would like you to come and speak. I told her that I’m not a medical professional, I refrain from giving medical advice, and I can only speak about my experiences and my desire to bring awareness. Her reply: “BE YOU – BE THE FUNNY LUPIE CHICK THAT MISHINDA SO LOVED AND ADMIRED” [insert uncontrollable crying]. 
After I stop crying, and contacted a few friends, as I was unsure if I should attend. I questioned my ability to speak publicly (I have a MAJOR fear…. stomach is in knots RIGHT now as I think about it), I questioned what would my presence bring, can I meet Mishinda’s expectations or the families expectations, what would I stand up there and say??, sweating, stiff and straight like a statue with nothing coming outta my mouth?? [Oh my!]. All my friends encouraged me to do it and to let God guide my words. I realize the honor and blessing. I pray that I can deliver and fight through this fear.  I will attend the candle light service, and honor my lupie sister Mishinda the best way I know how. I can hear my siStar now “Sixx, You better werk hunty” (lol…lol…lol…) DO THAT!!!!!
Fam, I write this blog with no hidden agenda. My ONLY agenda is to share my life, and my experience with Lupus. I have no idea the number of people with whom my blog had inspired, made laugh, cry, or angry but I’m grateful to each and every one of you. Mishinda has encouraged me to continue to push, fight, and advocate for all Lupie Chicks. I NOW realize that Lupus is my ministry. It’s my duty to be a voice and a face for the invisible disease. Please keep me prayed up as I enter this new chapter of my life. #LupieChicksUnite!!!!!!!

Twitter: @lupieeChick
Instagram: @naturally_lupie

Atlanta, aunaturale, autoimmune, diabetes, domestic violence, healthy, Iyanla Vanzant, life, lupie chick, lupus, lupus Awareness, majestic divas, mz sixx, peace, purple, womens health

Are you living in PEACE or PIECES??

Painting by Yvette Crocker
Yesterday I spoke to an ex (whom I haven’t spoken to or seen in more than 17 years). He seems so broken dealing with a lot of heath issues (specifically diabetes) and the lost of his immediate family members. He had been dealing with a lot of guilt from situations that occurred during our relationship and had remained in that moment. Listening to him made me realize that we have life choices.  We can live in PEACE or PIECES! I realized that I choose peace while he had chosen pieces. Yes, I know it is very difficult and hurtful to lose all of you immediate family members, and it’s also difficult to live with an illness (the same illness that had taken the lives of his family), BUT you have to choose PEACE. Choose to deal with whatever is before you and GO THROUGH IT (not around it).
I think back on all the test that I’ve had to take to have this testimony I speak about today. I have no shame and no silence.  I survived sexual abuse, domestic violence abuse, the challenges of being a teenage parent, betrayal, mis fortune, financial instability, unemployment, and now fighting for dear life to beat Lupus. I FOUGHT and will CONTINUE to fight EVERYDAY for the rest of my life.  We all have a responsibility to live our best life (whatever that may be). I know that everything that has happened to me happened for a reason to make me realize just how AWESOME I really am. I’m much stronger than I ever knew or imagined I could be. Do I have fear-of course I do.. but I have taken lemons (my fears & life challenges) and turned them into champagne (success)! This is MY LIFE- and whatever the devil has taken from me- HE CAN KEEP IT- BECAUSE MY GOD HAS SOMETHING BETTER FOR ME!!!!! I choose to live in PEACE!
To all of you that read this post- I ask you- how you will live the rest of your life? In PEACE or PIECES????

Until Next Time Fam

Live.. Love.. Laugh…

The Lupie Chick

Stay Connected
Twitter: @lupieeChick & @AuNaturaleDC

The information included on this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.

Atlanta, autoimmune, beauty, DC, Falcons, Grandmother, lupie chick, lupus, lupus Awareness, mz sixx, natural hair, purple

Celebration of Life (My Life)

Me- 41st Birthday

Yesterday was my 41st Birthday (yes, I’m in my forties honey… I don’t look a day over 30 -at least that’s what a twitter follower told me J . Yesterday I took the time to reflect and appreciate the wonderful gift of life. This time last year I was still dealing with the diagnosis of Lupus and trying to figure out just how I would live. Besides a flare up and depression, what should have been a milestone celebration (my 40th birthday) was anything but. This year I decided things would be different. I’ve grown to accept that I will forever have lupus BUT Lupus won’t have me. I will NOT stop living. I will (and have) become an advocate and a glimmer of hope for all my lupie sistas who are still fighting. When I awoke yesterday (mainly from Face Book notifications – You guys were on it! Mini me had the first notification at 11:59 p.m. Saturday night), I immediately knelt down and THANK THE LORD for allowing me to live and survive another year-despite Lupus.

My New Grand daughter Mailia Elizabeth Fowler

I’m in a new city (I relocated to Atlanta), I became a grandmother for the 2nd time (hi Malia), my projects and businesses are thriving, I’m happy and BLESSED. I knew I would not sit around sad or depressed on my birthday this year. I was going to get dressed, put on makeup and rock out like only Mz. Sixx can. I decided I would get out of my comfort zone and I would start crossing a few things off my “50 before 50” list.

#My View- after the Falcons beat The Oakland Raiders 23-20

Yesterday afternoon, I attended my first live NFL game yesterday (Atlanta Falcons vs. Oakland Raiders). It was very exciting to sit in the executive suite (hosted by Verizon Wireless). The view was awesome- nothing like watching it on TV. I felt like I could reach right over and touch the players. I could see every move, every play, hear every cuss word (lol) and actually understood what was going on. I felt myself cheering and screaming like a Justin Beiber Fan (sweating out my freshly blow dried natural hair) cheering for the falcons to make a touchdown. For the first time I think this year, I had on my infamous 5 inch stiletto ankle boots, leather legging, and an Asian inspired top. Some of the executives kept touching my pants & rubbing my legs (Saying ummmm ” I like those” looking at me like I was a pulled pork sandwich). If I was conceited I would swear they were checking for me… My co workers surprised me with a cake, they sung Happy Birthday, and we DRANK LOTS OF WINE ( During half time, the band played the wobble- and YOU KNOW YA GIRL GOT HER WOBBLE ON!!!!!! The cheerleaders did a skit and the players do a chat- and you RISE UP (#ayeeeee) #Go Falcons, it was like a party (or maybe I turned it into one … Nonetheless, this chica had a ball. Food, wine, good company, and the home team won-made for an enjoyable afternoon.

Me-Rocking my Leather Leggings

It felt good to get out-breathe fresh air- and celebrate MY LIFE… MY WAY! The celebration hasn’t stop and it won’t stop (in my Diddy voice.. “Won’t stop..Can’t stop”). I made a vow to myself to live MY best life and KEEP THE CELEBRATION GOING!!!!!!
** please peep the #purpleEverything #LupusAwareness-EVERYDAY**

The infamous Bathroom Pic ( in the Executive Suite @ The Georgia Dome)

Until Next time fam,
Live.. Love.. Laugh..
The Lupie Chick TM

Follow Me

Instagram: Naturally_Lupie
Twitter @AuNaturaleDC & @LupieeChick
aunaturale, autoimmune, cardio, divaGetFit, exercise, healthy, lupie chick, lupus, walking, womens health, work out

Get past the excuses!

** In my Sunshine Anderson Voice** “I’ve heard it all before-all the excuses why you (me) can’t work out.  I’ve decided to get up off the cough, bury the excuses and get moving!!!! My body is going down and it’s time for me to pick it up!!!!! I’m tackling my destructive habits, done with the pity party, and instead of investing in spanx (I’ve been known to wear 2 pair of spanx at one time-pretty much cutting off my circulation and the ability to wobble or drop it low I will invest in work out gear and equipment.
I went for a brisk walk yesterday for the first time since being diagnosed with lupus (July 2011). I told ya’ll that every time I make up my mind to workout-mister ole evil ass creep in. On my way home-it started raining, more like storming.. ok.. I’ll do the Zumba on the wii,**no excuses** mid way home, migraine was coming on.. NOPE-whipped out my peppermint essential oil and was rubbing my temples like my life depended on it ** no excuses**-Guess what?? I got home-it had stopped raining, and my migraine was fading to black… ITS ON!!!!!!!
I put on my T-shirt, leggings, and sneakers and hit the pavement.
** Please note the Lupus T-shirt, Lupus Bracelet, and purle shadow-#LupusAwareness EVERYDAY**
 Showing support to Running For Lupus with the “L” Hand Sign
When I was through I was a sweaty mess.. But I was ecstatic that I completed DAY 1 workout and didn’t cave into any excuses!!!! Below is my stats from the workout-using the sports tracker app on Android

The Top 6 Exercise Excuses and How to Beat Them

Just like everyone else, people with lupus need to exercise regularly or engage in some kind of movement, and most people with lupus can take part in some form of activity.
 We all know that being physically active makes you healthier; you’ll sleep better, feel happier and more energetic. But when it comes time to actually get out there and start moving, many of us have a long list of excuses not to exercise — too little time, too little energy, or we simply don’t like to work out.

How can you get past the excuses and get moving.

Exercise Excuse No. 1: “I Don’t Have Time.”

During your TV shows, use resistance bands, or walk in place. Or use Tivo so you can skip the commercials and see a one-hour show later in just 40 minutes, That’s 20 minutes of activity right there. Better yet, turn off the TV and spend your newfound time working out.

Music-When we moved into our new home, we didn’t have cable for a week or so- we turned on the radio, I realized that most stations have an online presence so I could still hear my go-go and Biggie. I was moving and grooving all around the house.  
Your exercise doesn’t have to be a formal workout either. Try making small lifestyle changes that help you move more: take the stairs instead of the escalator, don’t drive when you can walk, and get a pedometer and try to increase the number of steps you take throughout the day.

People who exercise regularly make it a habit.  They haven’t bought any more time during the day than anyone else. What we’ve done is prioritize it. We find time for things we value.

Exercise Excuse No. 2: “I’m Too Tired.”

It may sound counter intuitive, but working out actually gives you more energy. Once you get moving, your fatigue will likely disappear.

You’re getting the endorphins [feel-good hormones in your body] to release, and you’re getting the circulation going — as opposed to coming home and crashing on the couch.

It may help to work out in the morning, before you get wiped out by a demanding workday.  If you’re not a morning person, don’t worry, just work out whenever you feel the best.

Exercise Excuse No. 3: “I Don’t Get a Break From the Kids.”

Take the kids with you. While they’re swinging, you can walk around the playground or the backyard, or jump rope. Walk the kids to school instead of driving them. During their soccer games or practices, walk briskly around the field.

Use your family time for active pursuit. Go biking with your kids or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. When the weather’s bad, try active video games (Zumba, & Michael Jackson Experience are my favorites), dancing, at home work out videos ( my buddy told me that Julian Michael’s videos are the #TRUTH).

Remember that your fitness is good for your kids as well as you. When mom or dad is more fit, has more energy, the whole family benefits.

Exercise Excuse No. 4: “Exercise Is Boring.”

You should want it and feel good about it before you do it. And it should feel good while you’re doing it.”

So how do you get there? First, find an activity you love. Think outside the box: Join a sports league (I’m thinking about joining the kickball league next season). Or, if you love music, line dancing ( can you say wobble!!!!).  There’s an exercise for everyone.

If it makes exercise more enjoyable for you, it’s OK to watch TV or read while you’re on the exercise bike or treadmill — just don’t forget to pedal or run.

Working out with a group also helps many people. Not everybody’s cut out to go on a six-mile run by themselves.To find a group, look at meetups ( or simply recruit several friends.

Every once in a while, try something totally new. Mix it up so you don’t get bored.

Exercise Excuse No. 5: “I Just Don’t Like to Move.”

There are people who really enjoy not moving. They prefer to knit, read books, or watch TV.

If it’s sweating you don’t like, you can get a good workout without perspiring excessively.You can work out indoors, where it’s air conditioned. You can swim so you won’t notice any perspiration. Or, try a low-sweat activity like yoga.

If exercise hurts your joints, try starting by exercising in water. The stronger your muscles get, the more they can support your joints, and the less you’ll hurt. If you’re physical limitations is more serious, check with your doctor/coach who can help you figure out exercises that are still safe and easy to do.

If you don’t like to move because you feel too fat, start with an activity that’s less public, like using an exercise video at home. Walk with nonjudgmental friends in your neighborhood while wearing clothes that provide enough coverage that you feel comfortable.
Exercise Excuse No. 6: “I Always End up Quitting.”

Set small, attainable goals. Then you’re more likely to feel like a success, not a failure. If you exercise for five minutes a day for a week, you’ll feel good — and more likely to want to try 10 minutes a day the next week.

It also helps to keep a log and post it somewhere public (follow hash tag #DivaGettingFit on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook).
 Having an exercise buddy keeps you accountable as well. My buddy is my sista friend Gayna. She encourages me, provides LOADS of tips, and holds me accountable.  Thanks BUDDY!!!!!

It’s harder to start exercising than to stick with it once you’ve got your momentum going. Start a healthy habit today… you will feel better and will want to continue your healthy lifestyle everyday!
If lupus has you on the sidelines rather than in the middle of the action, this new low-impact exercise program, designed specifically for people with lupus, may be “just right” for you. Guided by a licensed A.C.E. instructor who also has lupus, this DVD offers a gentle fitness routine that you can practice in the comfort of your own home. The goal is not to become a super model but to get moving—and to improve your well-being in the process. DVD, 27 minutes.

Disclaimer: All exercise plans should be discussed with your physician or exercise specialist in order to maximize results and minimize possible harm.
aunaturale, autoimmune, challenge, change, healthy, lupie chick, lupus, mz sixx, possibility, relax, womens health

Infinite Possibilities

in•fi•nite / adjective
1. immeasurably great: an infinite capacity for forgiveness.
2. Indefinitely or exceedingly great: infinite sums of money.
3. unlimited or unmeasurable in extent of space, duration of time, etc.: the infinite nature of outer space.
4. unbounded or unlimited; boundless; endless: God’s infinite mercy

pos•si•bil•i•ty noun, plural -ties for 2.
1. The state or fact of being possible: the possibility of error.
2. Something possible: He had exhausted every possibility but one.

Most people start the day with infinite possibilities, and energy to do whatever they desire. For the most part, they do not need to worry about the effects of their actions. I’m a planner, for years I would choose and iron my clothes (and accessories) for the week, I would plan my meals for the week, I grocery shopped for the month. Now I need to think about the weather, my temperature that day, and the whole day’s plans before I can attack any one given thing. When other people can simply do things, I have to attack it and make a plan like I am strategizing a war. It’s very frustrating, especially when the plans change, hence my common saying “I hate change”.

My boss gave me a sticky note that says “Change Energizes Us” I wrote NEGATIVE on the note. Change makes me bonkers and I have to re strategize to make it through the day. I now live with the looming thought that today may be the day that a cold comes, or an infection, or any number of things that could be very dangerous.

The difference in being sick and being healthy has to make choices or to consciously think about things when the rest of the world doesn’t have to. The healthy have the luxury of a life without choices, a gift most people take for granted. The hardest thing I ever had to learn is to slow down, and not do everything. I fight this to this day. I hate feeling left out, having to choose to stay home, or to not get things done that I want to. I wish I could make people understand everything everyone else does comes so easy, but for me it is one hundred little jobs in one. When you begin your day, most people start the day off by showering/bathing, get dressed, go to work or school, come home, eat dinner, relax, go to bed. For me- it’s open 1 eye, the other, sit up, put your legs on the floor, stand up, walk to the bathroom..GET MY DRIFT- its 100 little jobs in one. It is the beautiful ability to not think and just do. I miss that freedom.

aunaturale, autoimmune, clarisonic, dermablend, dermatology, differin Gel, dr.callender, face wash, hydroquione, lupie chick, lupus, miss sixx, mz sixx, natural hair, neutrogena, skin care, SPF 70

Loving The Skin I’m In

People with lupus know the disease can affect various parts of their body, both inside and out, in a variety of ways. Though lupus is known to affect the joints, kidneys, heart and lungs, more often than not, one of the clearest signs that a person has developed the disease is the way it affects the skin.

Lupus had (in my opinion) had taken my beauty. My face was on display for everyone to give me that side eye and saying ” what the heck happen to you??” Although my family and friends assured me that I was beautiful and it was “ok”- I felt like that ugly duckling. A dear friend of mine ( First lady of Blue Line Productions – Rana) sent me a message one day that read ” I miss your pretty face”. She was referring to not seeing me out and about at local functions in the DC metro area, I started balling- because I literally MISSED MY PRETTY FACE! I’m 6″2 and wear 5 inch stilettos ( well I use too, until lupus started affecting my joints and my feet- damn him!) and I would walk in a room LIKE I OWNED IT-( at least like I paid the light then came the red sores, the black scares, and the discoloration in my face- and my obsession with Dermablend!!!!! I would pack that stuff on like my life depended on it. I was hiding… and worse of all- I hated the skin I was in……

** wearing full coverage Dermablend makeup **

My physician gave me a referral to see Valerie D. Callender, M.D. to assist with my skin condition

Dr. Valerie Callender is an internationally recognized Board Certified Dermatologist, who is known for her expertise in Pigmentation Disorders and the medical and surgical treatment of Hair Loss in Women. Dr. Callender has written twelve (12) textbook chapters and many articles for academic journals. She has recently co-edited a textbook on the Treatment for Skin of Color

Dr. Callender office is located at 1220 Annapolis Road, Suite 315, Glendale, MD (301)249-0970. Her office offer a range of facial treatments, cosmetic procedures, & body treatments. On my appointment date- the office was PACKED! The ladies at the reception area were very nice and & courteous. My wait wasn’t as long as I expected ( I waited maybe 15 minutes before I was taken to the examination room). Dr. Callender’s assistant took a quick assesment of my medical history, and my concerns. 10 minutes later enter in Dr. Callender herself. We chatted a bit, she tried to lighten the “mood” ( I was very tense and nervous). As soon as Dr. Callender put on her gloves and started examining my face, the tears started to flow. She immediately stopped and comforted me. She continued her examine, speaking in a calm voice and re assuring me that all was going to be ok. I advised her what I had been doing, what products I’d been using, and just blurted out ” I hate the way I look, I don’t look good and I don’t feel good”. We discussed treatment plans, and she tried to assure me that she would help me. She asked me to trust her- she told me SHE WOULD NOT GIVE UP – MY SKIN WILL BE CLEAR AGAIN! At the end of the examine, I ask- ” what makeup brand would you recommend for me?” she looked up at me ( dead in the eyes) and replied ” NONE- when I get through, you wont need makeup!” ** what did she just say.. I wont need make up … whoo freakin hooooooo!!!! let the treatment begin!!!!** {insert laughter from myself and Dr. Callender}

Below is my daily routine prescribed to me by Dr. Callender ( she actually wrote this down for me- including the steps!!!!)

** yes, my clarisonic is PURPLE in honor of my daily fight with Lupus**


Cleanse (w/ clarisonic brush & Neutrogena Forming Face Wash)

SPF 70 ( all over face)

apply hydroquinone (4% strength) to dark spots ( using a qtip)

optional: apply makeup


Cleanse (w/clarisonic brush & Neutrogena Foaming Face Wash)

Apply thin layer of Differin Gel ( all over face)

apply hydroquinone (4% strength) to dark spots ( using a q-tip)

I have been following this routine for 4 weeks. Look at me now!!!!!

aunaturale, autoimmune, lupie chick, lupus, miss sixx, salvation, spiritual

My Interview with God

Come in,” God said. “So, you would like to interview Me?”

“If you have the time,” I said.

God smiled and said: “My time is eternity and is enough to do everything; what questions do you have in mind to ask me?”

“What surprises you most about mankind?”

God answered:
“That they get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again. That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health. That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live neither for the present nor the future. That they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had never lived.”

God’s hands took mine and we were silent for while and then I asked:
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons you want your children to learn?”

God replied with a smile:
“To learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved.

To learn that what is most valuable is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives. To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others. All will be judged individually on their own merits, not as a group on a comparison basis!
To learn that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.
To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love, and that it takes many years to heal them.

To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.
To learn that there are persons that love them dearly, but simply do not know how to express or show their feelings.

To learn that money can buy everything but happiness and salvation.
To learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it totally different.
To learn that a true friend in someone who knows everything about them and likes them anyway.

To learn that it is not always enough that they be forgiven by others, but that they have to forgive themselves.”

I sat there for awhile enjoying the moment. I thanked Him for his time and for all that He has done for me and my family, and He replied: “Anytime. I’m here 24 hours a day. All you have to do is ask for me, and I’ll answer.”

People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Author Unknown

anger, antioxidants, arthritis, aunaturale, autoimmune, exercise, hair loss, insomnia, lupie chick, lupus, lupus foundation, meditation, miss sixx, womens health, you tube

6 Months of Living with Lupus

Wow, where did the time go? It has been 6 months since my lupus diagnosis. I had a doctor appointment Tuesday, and I was informed that I’m stable- not getting any worse, but thus far not any better. No reduction of the meds (bummer), next appointment Jan 4, 2012.

As I reflect on the past 6 months-it brings tears to my eyes. I’ve have several short stays in the hospital, many days/nights of pain, and depression. There were days when all I could do was cry.. ball up in my bed and cry. I see my doctor so often that I feel like we are dating. I know I’m a handful and I know I work his nerves. I’m always full of questions and comments. I just tell him straight- I can’t afford to do all of the things you want me to do! I know it sounds crazy that someone/anyone would say that they can’t afford to do something that may benefit them-BUT I can’t! I’ve made adjustment to my benefits at work (starting with getting the flexible spending account) in which I hope will help me financially with some of the things I need to incorporate. In the mean time, I’m doing the best I can with what I have. It has been extremely difficult for me to accept help. I’ve always been the care giver- not the one being cared for. I find myself ashamed of my appearance (because of the weight gain from the meds along with the scarring on my face). Ive had trouble with housekeeping and cooking meals sometimes-but THANKS to my children and my husband all of which have pitched in and got the job done when I couldn’t.

Some friends have hung in there with me and a lot have fallen by the wayside. That saying “out of sight out of mind “pops into my head. As long as I’m out of sight, I guess I don’t cross their mind(s). The other day my son’s step mother sent me a message on Facebook that said “you’re a fighter- I know firsthand” That sentence made me laugh uncontrollably. The people that I least expect to hear from are the people that I’m in contact with. The people whom I thought didn’t care about me, have showed the most concern. For that I’m forever grateful.

November 20th my daughter turned 13 years old. Crazy me thought it would be a great idea to have a 3 day (weekend) celebration.

Pretty Girls Rock Party started Friday at 3:30pm and ended Sunday at 6:00pm. All I can say is a weekend of cupcakes, makeup, swimming, food, and dancing left me slaved to my bed for 5 days. I literally could not move. I had a conversation with my body and Lupus. I told them- “look I need for the both of you to cooperate and lean back this weekend. My mini me turns 13 once and I need to be there for her-if either of you act up, or show off there will be hell to pay!!!!!” My feet gave out Sunday afternoon, but all else was perfect!!!!! My daughter was so happy that I was able to participate and hang with the “girls” all weekend.

It’s been 6 months of living with Lupus. I’m determined to make the next 6 months much more enjoyable & pain free. I’m being forced to face one of my fears (water). It’s been demanded (by my doctor) that I begin an exercise regimen. It’s hard to imagine exercising when I’m in constant pain. I’m looking into water aerobics (to help with my joints) and yoga. I have an incredible fear of water (due to a childhood incident when I almost drowned).

I’m hoping that I can get back to wearing my stiletto’s shoes,walking without pain and leave the sneakers for workouts-not part of my daily uniform. I want to wear makeup when I want too-not because I feel like I have too (I’ve recently purchased the clarisonic brush-I’m already seeing results). I will also be doing a makeup over-a do over- a NEW ME!!!!!! So until next time Lupie Chicks-stay healthy and pain free!

** did you notice that my earrings match my jacket? I wrapped them myself using yarn**

aunaturale, autoimmune, fundraising, gratitude, immune system, lupie chick, lupus, lupus foundation, miss sixx, natural hair, skin care, stress, treatment, womens health

Chick Interrupted!

Dear Lupus,

You coward did you think I would allow you steal my breath and render me helpless? How dare you again try to invade my body? I have had enough of your games and I will never allow you to access my body without a fight.

You think you are so slick. You try to attack me and take me down not realizing that I had my guard up and was ready for you. You are a spineless coward trying to attack me when you thought I was at my weakest. You tried to take over my body and just walk away. It doesn’t work like that. Why wouldn’t you show me your face? Oh that’s right you are so hideous that a face would be too humanistic for you.

Countless times you have tried to take me out and suck me into your sick world. Well I refuse to be a part of it and I want you to know that no matter how hard you try, no matter what you throw at me I will not give in to you. I will not allow you to ruin what God has made in His image. I am not your ordinary gal I have the best backer there is and God will not allow you to ever take control of me and my body.

It is a shame you are so lonely and always try to harm others. You are trying to wreak havoc in too many people’s lives. I hope you burn in hell for the problems you have caused. You punk! You thought you had me? There is no way I would let you get me down.

Stay out of my life! I despise you and your beat down will be 20 times worse if you show your nasty ass around here again!

Letter to Lupus written by Racquel Dozier