affordable, african american, Altonia Dugar, Atlanta, au naturale, autoimmune, beauty, blogger, favorite things


Lupus L sign .. #support #Lupus #awareness

  1. I don’t know how to do a cart wheel; I want to learn but afraid of flipping over
  2. I was not given a middle name at birth, I asked for a middle name for my 13th birthday-and my mother chose Felecia
  3. I once had a business selling gourmet deviled eggs, The Deviled Egg Gourmet –and the website is still up!!!!! (  I PUT IT DOWN WITH THE DEVILED EGGS!!!!!
  4. One of my favorite songs is “Put it in ya mouth” by Akinyele- ULTIMATE RACHETNESS!!!!!!
  5. My biggest pet peeve is people popping gum.. *in my Madea voice* STOP IT… STOP IT …  STOP IT RIGHT NOW*
  6. When I was pregnant with my daughter- I would go to the club just to get jerk chicken from the jerk chicken man that set up after the club (pregnancy cravings are wicked)
  7. I’ve never downloaded any music  (or anything for that matter) from Itunes-Now that I think about it- I’ve never downloaded music  period ( and don’t know how)
  8. I can only drink my Starbucks if it’s 180 degrees- and I can tell if it isn’t just by the feel of the cup
  9. When I eat sushi and raw oysters- I eat it with my eyes closed- BECAUSE I eat with my eyes first and seeing the raw fish upsets my stomach
  10. I’m a very indecisive but very structured person. I do the same thing(s) the same way – EVERYDAY- if given too many options (like at a buffet)- I will have a meltdown (don’t judge me- it’s the Libra in me)

 I want to get to know you! What are 10 random facts about you?